الاثنين، 16 فبراير 2015

brain cancer

brain cancer

Definition of brain cancer :
Division is abnormal and irregular brain cells both in the brain , the cerebellum or spinal cord , which causes compression of the other parts of the brain , and thus the loss of one of the senses or weakness.
And primary brain tumors (those originating in the original brain) very rare , unlike secondary brain tumors that are caused by the spread of the disease from other members of the body and into the brain .

Symptoms :
Brain tumors , whether benign or malignant cause similar symptoms , which vary according to the place of occurrence of the brain . One of these symptoms :

1 . Headache , which affects a person , especially in the morning.
2 . Nausea and vomiting .
3 . Cause convulsions .
4 . The weakness of some of the parties as the top or bottom .
5 . Some senses weakness or vulnerability .

No reasons yet unknown .

CT scans of the head to make sure the presence of a tumor after clinical examination work . As the examination of the nervous system is important in order to find out the location of infection in the brain.

And other tests that can be done is the injection of color in one of the arteries feeding the brain imaging head and then show where all the arteries there . This examination is usually carried out if there is an intention to undergo surgery to remove the tumor

Methods of Treatment :
1 . Surgical intervention to remove the tumor if topical to remove the pressure on the other parts . But sometimes it can be difficult to hold the process if the tumor is near the site of an important dynamic in the brain .

2 . Radiation therapy.
3 . Chemotherapy with interest that it is limited in terms of drugs that can not enter the brain through the blood vessels, but the drug can be injected in the cerebrospinal fluid .

Prevention :
 No methods of protection from him for not knowing the causes or factors leading to it .

The most important types of brain tumors :
  • Gliomata
• Glioblastoma Multiform
• Astrocytoma
• Acoustic Neurinoma
• Meningioma
• Pitutary Tumours
• Transitions secondary to other tumors such as lung cancer or breast cancer

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