السبت، 21 فبراير 2015

high blood pressure drop

What is your blood pressure?
Approximately 20% of the world's population suffer from an increase in blood pressure, which is a chronic disease, and today we have to balance the pressure by following the way of life intertwined with medical treatment and so we enjoy a long life and age Henneih.

What is your blood pressure?
Blood applies in our bodies in the grid sealed from blood vessels in the permanent path, heart pumps oxygen-saturated food and blood to all the body's tissues and cells by the arteries. The blood carries carbon dioxide and waste is returned to the heart through veins. The pressure that results on the walls of the blood vessels in the process of blood flow is called blood pressure. When spasm heart pumps blood into the arteries and consists of pressure-called "pressure Sesitola" It is high. And when the heart relaxes between contraction and the other consists of pressure-called "pressure Diastole" which the low.

What is excess blood pressure?
A condition in which high pressure above 140 mm and the low Ziik above 90 mm Hg. This is a blood pressure plus. When people suffering from blood pressure plus the blood vessels have become tight, and this promotes atherosclerosis (calcification), which are harmful to the operation of the normal blood. As a result, the burden on the heart occurs and increases the risk of blockage of the heart muscle. In the early stages of the disease do not show any warning sign, so the patient does not know its existence. And if it is not diagnosed and treated harm bloody device and the heart, and kidneys, legs and brain may occur, and this may cause damage to different disabilities and sometimes ends in death. This lack of overlap between the appearance of a warning and the damage that this disease may be caused by the signs came as "the resident killer."

The proportion of fat in the blood are elevated from the causes of excessive blood pressure Add smoking and excess weight and lack of physical activity, and diseases such as kidney Alscriwamrad genetic tendency in addition to age.

The causes of excessive blood pressure is not quite uncertain, but research linking it with some of the causes. Some of which can not be changed, such as genetics, but you can change the other section, as they relate to lifestyle and adopt the recommendations and tips may contribute to balance blood pressure.

• Nutrition - lose weight, reduce salt consumption. Determine the fat, especially saturated consumption
• Sports activities - are advised to walk for 40 minutes three times a week
• quit smoking

Those who suffer an increase in blood pressure are advised to follow-up in pressure gauge, in the clinic or at home and maintain proper nutrition, and do physically active, not smoking and being careful to take medications as recommended by your doctor.
When blood pressure measurement is important to ensure the validity of the device and examined annually and must perform the examination after 5 minutes of rest and lack of measurement immediately after smoking or eating, but wait 30 minutes.

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