England Sudanese doctor discovers a cure for diabetes
England Sudanese doctor discovers a cure for diabetes and epilepsy ! !
** Succeeded doctor Sudanese Tariq Mustafa employers who works in the research department hospital Hummer Smith of the Faculty of Medicine, University of London , a hospital that performed the surgery the heart of British Prime Minister Tony Blair a few weeks ago , he succeeded in inventing the first drug in the world for the treatment of diabetes final , and obtained a patent from both Britain and the United States , which record their invention under the number « 4065834 » .
The new drug is expected to be a medical revolution happening in the face of diabetes which
England Sudanese doctor discovers a cure for diabetes and epilepsy ! !
New drug relieves diabetes during the final « 2-6 » months only! !
Interview: Aaron Mohammed Adam
** Succeeded doctor Sudanese Tariq Mustafa employers who works in the research department hospital Hummer Smith of the Faculty of Medicine, University of London , a hospital that performed the surgery the heart of British Prime Minister Tony Blair a few weeks ago , he succeeded in inventing the first drug in the world for the treatment of diabetes final , and obtained a patent from both Britain and the United States , which record their invention under the number « 4065834 » .
The new drug is expected to be a medical revolution happening in the face of diabetes treatment that has eluded the medicine in its final since its discovery .. The Dr. Tarek employers achieved another milestone in the field of surgical procedures through his experience in the treatment of epilepsy by surgery , which was launched by the British « employers system in surgery operations » , which is expected soon to work in a hospital « Hummer Smith » to address epilepsy patients , which made the University of London was in readiness for the nomination d . Tareq for Neal in the title of professor of surgery among candidates for 2005 .
« Public opinion » met Dr « Tarek Sayed Mustafa employers » during his visit to Sudan and carried with him the following dialogue :
Enzyme Alomles
* D . What is Tariq , who invented the drug for the treatment of diabetes in its final form ?
- The property is a pill and injection eliminate diabetes definitively This property consists of enzymes rely on « enzyme Alamles » which converts starch to sugar and analyzes the sugar molecules to make it easier for the body absorbed more effectively than Alonsleyn which continues with the patient throughout his life. The doses of the new drug you need for a period of two to six months to recover from diabetes patient permanently .
* How was the discovery of the new drug ?
- The discovery of new drug for diabetes , has been through research laboratory continued about how they obtained by the body for energy , in addition to the testing analysis on the bodies of some of the patients used the iodine , and found that iodine glycolysis and eliminate it effectively high , by topics relevant analysis in the invention of the property , which has proved a high success rate . The patent was awarded in which Britain and the United States, which recorded their invention .
* What is the matter of registration of your invention in Britain and America instead of Sudan ?
- Britain and the United States are available in which the rights of defense of the inventors significantly , as the drug companies in Western countries have the ability to manufacture the drug in large quantities allows for diabetic patients benefit from treatment in all parts of the world , then the resulting laboratory allows the inventor to develop the invention permanently .
* Registration property externally you will deprive Sudan of manufacturing the drug internally and in commercial quantities ?
Registration of property the invention in Britain and the United States does not prevent Sudan from the request manufacture the drug internally , because the owner of the property Sudanese , and is entitled to register his invention in all countries of the world , because the purpose of the invention is the elimination of the suffering of patients with diabetes who Eogodon everywhere around the world, and that this the invention will be recorded again globally a year after the registration in Britain and the United States , and therefore prepared registered in the United States for fear of stolen and modified by others before , checking globally.
New scientific facts
* Did you come to a new scientific facts about diabetes through the invention was not discovered before?
- Facts reached by led me to the invention of the treatment , it is through laboratory experiments add sodium to the skin one patients and found that the effect of iodine changes the color of the skin , so I did by adding iodine to the exact Fathll flour , then conducted an analysis laboratory saliva your diabetic patients , and saliva people not infected with diabetes and found that diabetic patients suffer from a lack of material salivary that digest sugar and starch , which is the first scientific experiments in the world discovered that diabetic patients their bodies do not produce material salivary that glycolysis therefore for the benefit of the community should examine the material salivary for students of medicine and pharmacology as an entry point for disease diabetes .
Diabetes poor
* How do you explain the prevalence of diabetes among the poor ?
- Diabetes has become a disease in a semi around the world as a result of changing the food , and storing food for long periods of time in the refrigerator , and the use of chemicals in food keep changing the genetic makeup of food .
* Are genetically modified material cause diabetes?
- Genetically modified food have to do with diabetes , as there are types of flour are difficult to digest , such as flour « Elvina » , and flour if not digested precipitates as material energy in the tissues and arteries minute and large within the body , so the person is prone to heart disease , kidney failure and brain diseases in addition to diabetes .
* Exact irreplaceable .. How do you solve this difficult equation ?
- The exact irreplaceable in food, but can be added to him by the decomposition of sodium carbonate flour in small parts of the body and prevent the deposition of blood in the arteries and despite the seriousness of sodium carbonate on diabetic patients that can be treated in accordance with the procedures of special scientific .
Healing the sick
* Are there patients cured of diabetes in its final form can be relied upon as models therapeutic ?
- There are several people were treated in Sudan by « 100 %» For example, « m . LLC » old man thirteen years was used insulin at a rate of sixty units a day , when they began to use the new drug to reduce the use of insulin in half in a short period , and in the way to get rid it permanently , as that « m . A. » fifteen -year-old uses insulin at a rate of fifty units a day after taking medication to reduce insulin to ten units in a very short time , in addition to « a . b » reaching the age of forty-six -year-old uses pills cure diabetes for a long period of time dealing with the new drug in its final form of diabetes , and all those mentioned can refer to them .
* How do you make sure the healing diabetic patients who are taking the new drug in its final form after you leave Sudan ?
- After I left Sudan , I keep in touch with patients to see their situation , and then ask them checkups every six months , and during my visit to the annual Sudan every year subjected patients to thorough examinations through a special device brought with me from the UK , so all patients who have undergone treatment by me the inventor has achieved great successes property in their treatment.
Manufacturing property
* Are there any points you offered to manufacture the new drug ?
- Advanced to a German company in addition to several European pharmaceutical companies , after the publication of the invention in the British Medical Journal after they were sure that the invention is applied to practice and found in response to a wide range of pharmaceutical institutions .
* Is the property inventor newly not preceded by any scientific attempts to solve the problems of patients with diabetes ?
- There are some Alachterahat introduced to address diabetic patients by surgery that depend on agriculture glands to secrete insulin in the body , as happens in organ transplants other , but that Alachterah the ratio of success slim did not exceed the proportion of « 8 %» in spite of the efforts made great as experience has shown Medical cultivation destroys the pancreas sugar in the body permanently , a botched attempt .
The treatment of epilepsy !
* Is there a disease related to diabetes ?
- There are many diseases related to diabetes , such as eye diseases in general , and kidney failure , and heart disease. The crisis and humidity , dementia and epilepsy in children , therefore, expects that the new property boom is happening in the protection of these diseases .
* Is there a scientific explanation of the relationship between diabetes and epilepsy ?
- Modern research laboratory proved that there is a strong relationship between the semi- narrow arteries , which affects the heart and epilepsy that occurs as a result of tightness in the arteries of the brain related to movement , and not the result of electrical discharges in the brain as previously thought . Therefore, after the discovery of the new fact of epilepsy , invented a new operation to treat epilepsy depends on the expansion of blood vessels inside the brain , and offered it to the hospital « Hummer Smith » of the Faculty of Medicine, University of London , which has its largest center for medical research in the world, and has vacationed on the begins with the introduction of the new surgery , called the British « employers in system operations surgery » at the beginning of the new year for the treatment of patients with epilepsy.
* How did you come to a new diagnosis of epilepsy ?
- Laboratory experiments that I kept I can make the blood vessels constantly noticed in which the arteries of patients with conflict within the brain indivisible blood during cases of epilepsy , although heartbeat high in excess of seventy-two beats a minute , therefore occur convulsions difficult due to the interruption of blood for some traffic arteries brain , and offered a diagnosis of the new conference doctors vascular World , which was held in Rome, Italy , where I represent the University of London , and found diagnosis new response from the conference and published in the journal « the world body against epilepsy » , and in all of Britain , America and Portugal scored in the Department of Surgery University of London as a new method in vascular surgery .
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