Nasal dryness
Not limited function nose to sniff odors or inhalation and exhalation operations only, Valonf part of the body especially complicated mechanism, a defense mechanism against any microbe external, or any other factor that may cause the disease, the internal walls lining the nose containing epithelial cells, these cells secrete Mucus is a viscous texture, which helps to moisturize the nose on the one hand, and prevent the entry of any foreign body from the point of another.
Therefore, the absence of this sticky mucus and the incidence of nasal dryness is not a simple problem, as some believe, Fjvav nose may lead to cracking of the inner wall lining of her, suffering patient from bleeding nose and who knows Balraav, also this drought makes the nose point of weakness through which the bacteria and other harmful microbes to break into the body, causing many infectious diseases.
And is usually accompanied by nasal dryness dry throat and mouth, the patient is suffering from a range of symptoms sporadic, perhaps the most important: the difficulty Balbla, having a metallic taste over the mouth, as well as increase the likelihood of infection, dry throat.
To treat nasal dryness, you should know the inventory and the causative agent of this drought permission, Perhaps the most famous and most important of these reasons ..
• heat: and that leads to low humidity and thus his nose in a state of drought.
• The use of some types of drugs excessively, and perhaps the most famous of these drugs: antihistamines such as Alolergal and Alvinadon, nasal sprays such as Alvarcolin, bronchodilators such as Pronkovin or Ventolin .. so it's best for people who are suffering from previous cases of nasal dryness or bleeding nose to stay away exactly for such drugs, and not to resort to it only in cases of extreme necessity, to be under the supervision of a medical specialist.
• infection, corneal: where keratitis leads to dryness own lacrimal glands of the eye, as well as dry nose and mouth.
• Ciecjerin syndrome: a rheumatoid disease is similar to rheumatoid arthritis to a large extent, the cause of this disease is inflammation and dryness of mucous membranes in the body as a whole, in other words syndrome Ciecjerin lead to dry eyes and mouth as well as nasal dryness as well.
The treatment should first be the causative agent of the foregoing, taking into account some of the following preventive measures to determine ..
• Stop using any medications for allergies or anti-histamine.
• Sharing the use of Vaseline moisturizer for the nose, but should be taken not to use large amounts of it, an agent slip into the lungs, arrival of petroleum jelly to the lungs may lead to severe pneumonia.
• Drink water in large quantities, which helps to moisturize the body as a whole, and the nose is particularly dry, also need to be a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables for the same reason .. with a move away from drinking tea and coffee, due to their diuretic effect, which leads to dehydration.
• cure any diseases exist cause nasal dryness: such as keratitis or Ciecjerin syndrome.
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