السبت، 21 فبراير 2015

Heart disease

Heart disease) may affect (Heart disease on any of the functions of the heart and on any of the parts of the heart.

The most common heart disease is coronary syndrome (or: coronary syndrome - Coronary syndrome) forms, and various manifestations. The blood vessels of the coronary blood vessels are deployed on the outer side of the heart muscle and function of blood is connected to the heart itself. When there are hardening process (accumulation layer of a mixture of calcium and fat) in the blood vessels inside the coronary, or when the contraction is happening in these blood vessels, it is likely to occur in the middle of this narrowing of the blood vessels, which hinders the delivery of blood to the myocardium.

That any touching of heart muscle or the ability of the heart muscle to contract would cause a decline, temporary or permanent, in the heart's ability to contract. When damaged heart's ability to contract occurring in a decline in pumping blood to the vital organs in the body. This process of narrowing the blood vessels causing angina (Angina pectoris), and if we get a permanent damage to the heart muscle then generated myocardial infarction (Myocardial infarction).

Suffer from angina or myocardial infarction may feel pain or pressure on the chest wall (Chest wall). This feeling may be accompanied, in some cases, sweating, a feeling of suffocation, shortness of breath, nausea, and a sense of the overall weakness of the year. This situation constitutes an emergency situation requiring urgent medical intervention. Treatment options in such cases are many and varied, but the best option is prevention. Not smoking, maintaining the balance of fat levels in the blood, the practice of physical activity - are examples of acts of preventive. When this condition occurs, there are many treatment options, including drug treatment. Some of them taken by mouth and some intravenous. Can coronary vascular catheter. Tube is inserted a catheter through an artery in the groin is usually down to the coronary blood vessels, through a demo blood vessels. By catheter can open and expand blood vessels narrowed, by inflatable balloon or planting the pillars supporting the inner walls of blood vessels and keep the artery open with a capacity of the original diameter. There are other ways, too, including injecting different drugs in coronary blood vessels, in addition to topical treatments scans blood vessels.

The heart and circulatory system, How do they work?
It may be sometimes necessary to transfer the patient to the operating room for a taste of the process of coronary artery bypass (Coronary artery bypass graft). This surgery can be conducted expeditiously process emergency surgery, or surgery as a process of pre-planned on the basis of the results of different tests require surgical intervention.

May become heart muscle inflammatory disease caused by contagious viruses caused by heart disease, caused by interactions of the immune system, or interfere due to alcohol and drug abuse.

There are four valves in the heart. Each one of these valves may get what damage occurs defect in his work. Classified fundamental disturbances in the work of the heart valves into two groups: narrow heart valve and the expansion of the heart valve. Stenosis affects the ability to pump blood and transferred between the parts (rooms) different in the heart, which requires more pressure in the blood pumping in order to reach the normal level, which is usually pumped by the heart. In the case of the expansion valve, the blood flow will continue until the time that is supposed to prevent heart blood flow, the valve completely. Can be likened to heart valve fitted with a widening (tap) water leaking water them, while can be likened narrowed heart valve fitted with a water does not open fully.

Heart disease in congenital heart valves may be (congenital - Congenital Disease) and then expect to hear heart murmurs (Heart murmur) when listening to the voice of the heart. May be acquired as a result of various infectious heart disease, which can cause damage, direct or indirect, of the heart valves. As well as the process of atherosclerosis, too, can cause damage to heart valves. Signs of heart disease in the valves and symptoms: shortness of breath, a drop in physical fitness and a growing fatigue, coronary syndrome, arrhythmia and frequent Agmeat.

Treatment of heart disease and valves are, in general, by drugs. Sometimes, there may be a need for a catheter (Catheterization) that will help in the diagnosis, but also in the treatment of heart disease in the valves. It may be necessary, in some cases, surgery to repair or replace the valve, that was artificially (Artificial valve).

There is connected to the heart is responsible for the transfer of electrical badges which stimulates contractions of the heart system, regulating the timing of contraction and regulate the relationship between the contractions of the ventricles and atria between contractions. And lots, sometimes, something goes wrong in the work of the electrical transport system can be reflected in: the acceleration of the heart, slowing the pace of the heart, irregular pace of the heart, or the absence of any clear time relationship between the timing of the contractions of the ventricles and the timing contractions of the atria. Arrhythmias (Arrhythmia) This may be accompanied by the following symptoms: a sense heart rate, fatigue, shortness of breath, or fainting. Causal factors for heart rhythm disorders may include: medication intake person to treat other physical problem, stiffness in the transport and delivery system, disorders of the valves and other factors that have an impact on the transport system.

Addressing transportation problems include drug treatments, or stop taking a particular drug covered by the patient and cause turmoil options, but sometimes it may require a pacemaker implant artificial (Artificial pacemaker) pacemaker or electric shock treatment. Overall, the type of disorder the type of treatment, due to the potential for arrhythmias and clinical effects.

When arises doubt the existence of a certain type of heart disease, you should go to your family doctor or a doctor who specializes esoteric diseases. And sometimes, according to different data, it may also be necessary to consult a doctor who specializes in heart disease (Cardiologist).

The decision on the introduction of a catheter and a pillar (Stent), or the taste of a coronary artery bypass operation, is to be made in consultation between cardiologists and cardiac surgeons. If the number of injured arteries, it is practice, usually, surgery and not a catheter.

Symptoms of heart disease

Heart disease symptoms vary depending on the disease.

Symptoms of cardiovascular disease (Cardiovascular Disease - CVD):
Resulting from cardiovascular disease is narrowing, blockage or hardening of the blood vessels, leading to non-receipt of the heart, brain or other organs in the body a sufficient amount of blood.

  Symptoms of cardiovascular disease include:

Chest pain (angina pectoris - Angina pectoris)
Shortness of breath (Dyspnea)
Pain, numbness, weakness or feeling cold in the legs and arms, if he got narrowing of the blood vessels where
Symptoms of heart disease caused by arrhythmias (Arrhythmia):

Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat. Arrhythmias may include heart beat at a rate higher than normal, at a rate lower than the normal or irregularly.

   Symptoms of heart disease associated with heart systems include:

Flap (twitching) in the chest
Tachycardia (fast pulse - Tachycardia)
Bradycardia (slow pulse Bradycardia)
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Syncope (fainting - Fainting / Syncope) or close to the case of syncope
Symptoms of heart disease caused by a defect in the heart:

Defect (Congenital defect) in acute heart can be detected, usually in a matter of hours, days, weeks or months after birth. Symptoms of congenital heart disease include:

Skin-colored light gray or blue (cyanosis - Cyanosis)
Swelling in the abdomen, legs or around the eyes
Shortness of breath by eating eating, what causes an increase in weight is not enough
 Birth defects less severe and dangerous are diagnosed, often late, only from childhood or even in adulthood.

Symptoms of congenital defects in the heart, which do not constitute an immediate threat to life, including:

Ease shortness of breath occurs, as a result of the exercise of physical activity or sports
Ease of feeling tired, as a result of the exercise of physical activity or sports
Accumulation of fluid in the heart or in the lungs
Swelling of the hands, ankles or feet in the palms
Symptoms of heart disease caused by cardiomyopathy (Cardiomyopathy):

Cardiomyopathy means that the heart muscle becomes thicker and stiffer. Sometimes, in the early stages of cardiomyopathy, symptoms do not appear at all. As the disease worsens and aggravation, their symptoms may include:

Shortness of breath when you exert any effort, or even time to rest
Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet
Distension (expansion) in the abdomen due to accumulation of fluid
Heart rhythm disorder haste, palpitations or flutter
Dizziness and fainting
Symptoms of heart disease caused by pollution
There are three types of infections of the heart:

Pericarditis (inflammation of the heart membrane Pericarditis), which is inflammation of the tissue (membrane) which covers the heart
Myocarditis (Myocarditis), affects the middle layer of myocarditis
Endocarditis (Endocarditis), affects the inner membrane that separates the chambers of the heart and its valves
Symptoms of heart disease caused by pollution in the heart, according to the type of infection that vary, and include:

Shortness of breath
Weakness or fatigue
Swelling in the legs or in the abdomen
Changes in the frequency of the heart beat
Dry cough or prolonged
Skin rash or unusual spots
Symptoms of heart disease caused by a problem in the heart valves:

Four valves in the heart:

Aortic valve (aortic - Aortic valve)
Mitral valve (coronary - Mitral valve)
Pulmonary valve (Pulmonary valve)
Tricuspid valve (Ttricuspid valve)
All heart valves open and close to direct the flow of blood through the heart. Heart valves may be harmed as a result of several factors that lead to a narrowing, leaking (abnormal flow or failure) or shutdown is complete (indicating).

Symptoms of heart disease caused by damage to the heart valves vary, depending on the heart valve The injured include:

Shortness of breath
Heart rhythm disorder or hear heart murmurs (Heart murmur)
Swelling of the feet or palms of the ankles
Chest pain
Questions and Answers
What is atherosclerosis?
To what extent the spread of heart disease in women?
What is the relationship between smoking and heart disease?
What should I do if I was exposed to the risk of coronary heart disease?
Process to correct tendon rupture
The causes and risk factors for heart disease
Smoking one of the risk factors that lead to heart disease
The risk factors that lead to heart disease include:
Excess cholesterol in the blood
Lack of physical activity
Constant tension
Poor hygiene
Understanding how the mechanism of action of the heart is easy to understand the causes of heart disease. The heart is a pump. It muscular organ the size of a fist, located slightly to the left of center of the chest. The heart is divided into two sides, left and right. The aim of this chapter is to ensure that the mixing of oxygen-rich blood with oxygen-free blood. Oxygen-free blood is blue color, back to the heart after being in the body.

The right side of the heart consists of the right atrium and right ventricle. It receives blood from the lungs and pumps it to them, via the pulmonary arteries. Tnashan lungs and blood Tjaddedana new Oxygen, color change their minds as a result of that and becomes red. Oxygen-rich blood crosses from here (the right side) to the left side of the heart, which is composed, is the other, of the left atrium and left ventricle. From there (the left side) is to pump blood to the body through the aorta, to provide various body tissue oxygenation of various nutrients.

Four valves in the heart is responsible for blood flow correctly. Aortic valve, mitral valve, pulmonary valve and tricuspid valve - all working like gates in the fence. Valsmamat open only in one direction and only when you press it. Each valve opens and closes once in each pulse of a heartbeat, or once every second, almost at rest.

The heart beats, that is: shrink (constrict) and expands (flattens). So, to the heart of the two cases two: systolic (Systolic) and diastolic (Diastolic). In systolic case Inaqbd ventricles, left and right, Fadkhan blood to the blood vessels and through the lungs and the rest of the members of the body, in the same way in which the pressure of tomato juice (ketchup) and take it out of the package. Right ventricle spasm before the left ventricle shortly. And then, in diastolic case, expands (sag) left and right ventricles Vimitlian next blood from the left and right atria. And then the cycle begins again.

Found in the heart, too, electrical wire network responsible for the continuation of the heart beat. Electrical impulses start from the top, in the right atrium, and then move in a special path to the ventricles carrier orders to withdraw blood. Transportation system is responsible for ensuring the heartbeat, consistent and sound pace to continue the blood, thanks to which, in a rotational flow. Continuous switching between oxygen-rich blood and blood oxygen-free is a process that kept the continuity of life.

The causes of cardiovascular disease:

The term "cardiovascular disease" (Cardiovascular Diseases) refers to several types of cardiovascular disease. Often called that name, too, the damage to the heart or blood vessels caused by atherosclerosis accumulation of layers of fat inside the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the members of the body. Sound arteries are, usually, flexible and powerful.

But with the passage of time, can be very high pressure on the walls of the arteries that makes it more solid (less ductility) and thicker, which may lead, sometimes, to block the flow of blood to the body's organs and various tissues. This process is called "calcification of the arteries" (or: hardening of the arteries). Atherosclerosis (Arteriosclerosis) is the most common type of this disorder, which is the most common factor for the emergence of the risks and causes of cardiovascular disease. The factors causing this disorder (calcification of the arteries) are: unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, obesity and smoking. These are all serious risk for the development of atherosclerosis factors, leading to the development of cardiovascular disease.

The causes of arrhythmia:

Common causes of arrhythmias (Arrhythmia), or diseases that could lead to arrhythmias, including:

Congenital heart defects
Coronary artery disease
Excessive intake of alcohol and caffeine
Drug Addiction
Some medications that do not require a prescription, certain medications require a prescription, some dietary supplements and some therapeutic herbs
Disease of the heart valves
It is not likely that the disorder appears in heart rhythm constitutes a danger to the life of a healthy person and his heart in a normal and healthy state, without external interference, such as electric strike or drug abuse. This is because the human heart with the sound does not suffer from any abnormal situation can cause a disruption in the systems (irregular heartbeat).

The heart patient or distorted, the electrical impulses normally does not work as it should, which greatly increases the likelihood of heart rhythm disorder.

The causes of defects and cardiovascular malformations:

Cardiac defects and distortions arise and evolve, usually, when the fetus is in the womb. After about a month of the start of pregnancy, fetal heart begins to grow. At this point, you can begin to emerge heart defects and morphology. Researchers do not know for sure why that leads to the emergence of birth defects, but they believe that some diseases, some medications and genetic factors play a role.

The causes of heart disease and cardiomyopathy (Cardiomyopathy):

Exact cause of cardiomyopathy (expansion or myocardial hypertrophy) is unknown.

There are three types of cardiomyopathy:

 Heart muscle weak or too broad
The heart muscle is very thick
 Severe cardiomyopathy (rigid) and limited
Causes infections (infections) attack:

Infections in the heart, such as pericardial inflammation (Pericarditis), myocarditis (Myocarditis) and endocarditis (Endocarditis), when you get up to the heart muscle stimulant factor, such as a virus, bacteria (germ) or a chemical.

The most common cause of infections in cardiac factors include:

Bacteria (germs)
Drugs may raise Allergic reaction (allergic) or toxic
Other diseases
Valvular heart disease reasons:

There are many factors that increase the risk of heart disease in the valves (Valvular heart disease Valvular heart disease). In the four heart valves are responsible for blood flow and flow in the right direction. Heart disease in heart valve that can be congenital (congenital), or may be caused by some diseases, such as rheumatic fever (Rheumatic fever), endocarditis, diseases of the connective tissue (Connective tissue), certain medications and treatments of radiation (Radiation therapy) Cancer.

Complications of heart disease
One of the most complications common symptoms of heart disease is congestive heart failure (Congestive heart failure). The other complications associated with heart disease include: heart attack, stroke, aneurysm (Aneurysm - a stretch topical walls of the blood vessels), and peripheral arterial disease, sudden cardiac arrest.

Diagnosis of heart disease
ECG (Electrocardiogram - EKG)
Tests needed to diagnose heart disease related to the type of disease which doctor doubted its existence. In all cases, it is likely that the doctor conducting a physical examination and ask questions about the medical history of the patient and his family, before deciding to conduct any other test.

Tests for the diagnosis of heart disease include:

Blood tests
ECG (Electrocardiogram - EKG)
Monitoring and control of the heart device Holter (Holter Monitor)
Echocardiography (Echocardiography)
If the echocardiogram results (echocardiogram) is not clear, your doctor may recommend a imaging ultrasound through the esophagus. To conduct this test, the patient swallows a flexible pipeline has a small adapter, about the size of index finger, up to the throat. The converter to transfer images from the heart to the computer screen.

Cardiac catheterization (Cardiac catheterization)
Heart biopsy (Biopsy)
Computed tomography (CT)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Treatment of heart disease
Heart transplant
There are different types of treatment for heart disease. Changes in the style of life and habits, drug treatment, surgical treatment or medical procedure else that could be part of the treatment of heart disease.

Aim of the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (Cardiovascular diseases) is, often, open or closed arterial constrictor which cause symptoms. The type of treatment depends on the severity of the stenosis and may include changes in the style of life and habits, certain medications, some medical procedures or surgery.

Treatment of heart rhythm disorders can include medications, medical procedures, artificial pacemaker (Artificial pacemaker) pacemaker, defibrillator implant device (Defibrillator), surgery and stimulate the vagus nerve (vagus stimulation - StimulationVagal).

Some defects or small and simple and does not require cardiac malformations treated, but there are defects and other abnormalities requires constant monitoring, drug treatment, and even surgical treatment sometimes. Treatment of heart disease type depends on the type of defect and the degree of severity and can include medications, special measures using catheterization, open-heart surgery and heart transplantation.

The treatment of heart disease and poor myocarditis related to the type of illness severity and the degree of muscle. This includes the treatment of heart disease:

Drug treatment
Medical devices
Heart transplant
The first treatment for infections (infections) in the heart, such as pericarditis (Pericarditis), myocarditis (Myocarditis) and endocarditis (Endocarditis), often with medication, antibiotics and drugs regulate heartbeats.

Associated valve heart disease treatments vary according to the type LED injured and Severity, but include, in general, medicine, conquest by balloon, reform and repair or replace the valve.

Prevention of heart disease
There are certain types of heart disease, such as heart defects, can not be prevented. But the changes in life styles, which helps in improving the situation of some patients who suffer from heart disease, may also help prevent many types of heart disease. These changes include:
Maintain normal levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes
Careful physical activity
Ensuring a healthy diet
Maintain a healthy weight
Reduce the level of tension and control

Alternative Therapies
There are several ways in alternative medicine may be helpful in reducing cholesterol and in the prevention of certain types of heart disease, including:

 Plantago ovata plant (or: to the top of the sheep)
 Coenzyme Q10
Oats and oat bran
Omega 3 fatty acids

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